SWORD ART ONLINE Re: Hollow Fragment – Asuna Chat + Bed Scenes – PS4

SWORD ART ONLINE Re: Hollow Fragment – Asuna Chat + Bed Scenes – PS4

In this video I show you how to get the bed scenes. I know a lot of people are confused on how to do this! You can actually get them in bed before affection level 5 and talking in Kirito’s room is the easiest place to fill up the chat meter. I believe you need affection level 3 before they’ll start talking in the bed room. Hope this helps! 🙂




About SWORD ART ONLINE Re: Hollow Fragment:
A hollow area has been discovered in Aincrad, and there Kirito meets with Philia. Who could she be? And where will fate lead them? The adventure started in ‘Infinity Moment’ continues in Sword Art Online Re: Hollow Fragment! Traverse floor after floor of a grand dungeon in an online fantasy world while meeting lifelong friends and unforgettable characters from the hit anime series!

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